Elevate K-12 & Kelly Education are teaming up to fight the teacher shortage crisisLearn more

Elevate K-12
Tier 1 Live

Remarkable teaching for core courses

Address hard-to-fill roles or expand course offerings with a high-quality certified LIVE teacher streamed directly into your classroom.

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Ncaa Approved Courses 1

Cover all your needs with Tier 1 Live

Districts use Tier 1 Live to ensure students are supported by great teaching.

Apple Book Green

Address hard-to-fill vacancies in core subjects.

Apple On Skateboard

Expand learning into new areas with electives.

Choose from over 80 available LIVE courses across core, elective, and special ed

Explore courses available for Elementary, Middle, and High School.

A typical class

All classes begin with a consistent welcome routine, starting with the teacher greeting students by name as they enter followed by a warm-up activity.

Lessons utilize engagement tools like polls, chats, and interactive whiteboards, with frequent checks for understanding so teachers can adjust pacing in real time.

Throughout the course academic goals are set and managed with mid-unit and end-of-unit assessments such as tests, presentations, and essays. 

Your provided paraprofessional, or Classroom Coach as we call them, provides on-the-ground support and classroom management. 

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Meet our live teachers

With 13 years of teaching experience on average, our teachers are passionate, dedicated educators who are truly remarkable.

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Discover why

Districts, schools, and students say it works!

The impact on students

Our district partners share how LIVE teaching impacts student outcomes and success.

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Learn more about Elevate K-12 Tier 1 LIVE options